1. Log in to
2. Click on the + beside "myMarketing" in the eEdge Control Panel
3. Click "Manage eEdge Website"
4. You'll arrive in the Admin section of eEdge, specifically on the "Website" tab."
5. Click the "My Account" tab
Your information is labeled as follows:
Website: Your eEdge website address
eEdge email: Your eEdge email address. Emails sent to this address appear in your eEdge dashboard and log in the contact record for everyone on the email (senders and other recipients)
External email: The email address you have input as your desired email address
Marketing and Reply To Email: The email address you have selected to appear as the sending address when you send emails from eEdge, as well as the address where emails will go if the recipient clicks "Reply."
Marketing Website: The website you have selected to appear on all marketing (email, letters, postcards, flyers, etc.).
Note: To edit the External email, Marketing and Reply To Email, and Marketing Website, click "Edit" at the top of the page.
Note: To change your Marketing and Reply To Email address, you will need to type it in the External email field and select it from the drop-down box that appears in the Marketing and Reply To Email field.