◄ NOTE - Please read "Preparing your contacts for import" before beginning this process
To import your contacts into eEdge, you'll need to have them in one of 4 formats:
A) Basic Contact List - in which case you'll need to use the Market Leader template found here
B) Outlook 2007 CSV (although most other versions of Outlook will use the same format, I would recommend only uploading 5 contacts the first time and checking the integrity of the contact record to see if the fields line up correctly. Uploading a dummy record, where all fields are populated with something similar to the field name, is recommended)
C) Top Producer 8i
D) MyRealEstateTools / MyRedTools
Once your contacts are in the desired format,
1. Log in to myKW
2. Click "View Contacts" in the eEdge Control Panel
3. Hover "Contacts" in the gray bar and select "Import/Export"
4. Select your File Type (from A-D above) in column 1
5. Select your Contact Status (column 2)
6. Select your Contact Type (column 2)
7. Select group to which contacts should be added (optional) (column 2)
8. Click "Browse" (column 3)
9. Find your desired file and select "Open" or "Select"
10. Click the box to agree that the contacts have opted-in and you are not going to be spamming them, and then click "Import"